Captain Kwok's Space Empires Depot
SE5 Utilities

Below are some useful utilities for Space Empires V. Many of these programs are over 10 years old and to run may require additional downloads like Microsoft's .net framework or other random .dlls to function.

SE5 Utilities Space Empires V Editor v1.79Captain Kwok Medal

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Devnull's excellent Space Empires V data file editor provides a visual interface to edit a significant portion of SE5's data files. This helpful utility reduces data file errors while also allowing the modder to make broad organizational hanges. The download is an installer which is required to run in order to identify where your SE5 install is located. The program's source is also included!

Note your web browser may flag this as a suspicious download. I promise nothing is nefarious with this file, but scan anyway!

SE5 Utilities SE5 Formations EditorCaptain Kwok Medal

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This helpful utility by Andrew Ackermann provides a graphical interface to create SE5 fleet and task force formations, assigning picket, escort and core positions. Afterwards you can export them to a text file that can be copied into the Formations_fleet.txt or Formations_TaskForces.txt data files.

SE5 Utilities SE5 Slotmodder

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SJ's utility provides a visual interface to make slot layouts for Space Empires V ship sets. You may need to grab a .dll here to work with newer versions of windows.

SE5 Utilities SE5 Map Creator 0.44Captain Kwok Medal

Download .zip Download (169 kb)

Ergie272's map editor for creating Space Empires V text map files. Generate systems automatically or add them one by one. Works with mods. You'll need to compile the output text map file with SE5's map compiler to use in game.

SE5 Utilities SE5 Genesis Map Editor v1.07

Download .zip Download (184 kb)

Provides a nice UI for creating Space Empires V text map files. The files have to be compiled afterwards with SE5's map compiler.

You may have difficulty in getting this program to work correctly due to windows registry permission issues.


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